Thursday, February 16, 2017




此次出口泰国的国产比表面积测定仪型号为V-Sorb 2800P,该仪器具有两站测试位和两站处理位,能够同时进行测试和样品处理,对于单点和多点BET比表面积、BJH中孔分布数据以及HK等微孔的测试具有极高的精确度和数据重复性。玛希隆大学购买此仪器的主要用途是科研使用,平时也兼顾研究生制备的各式各样的样品测试及实践教学使用。下面图片是仪器安装、调试和培训的现场图。




High Pressure Adsorption Analyzer Agreement Signed with Korea Institute of Energy Research

Gold APP Instruments Corporation China signed an agreement about high pressure gas adsorption analyzer with Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) in Aug. 2016 under significantly helps from smart technology company who deal with scientifically instruments suppling and serving for Korea market.


In the beginning, KIER wanted one example report of LaNi5 material and also checked analyzing pressure and temperature conditions with us. After read the LaNi5 sample report, KIER decided to purchase one set H-Sorb 2600 high pressure adsorption analyzer from us.


Since the founding in 1977, the KIER has had focused on energy technology R&D which is closely related with living standards and national security. KIER's R&D areas include improving efficiency and securing environment-friendly way in use of limited conventional energy resources such as oil, coal as well as natural gas and exploring new energy sources such as solar, wind and water as well as its commercialization.


The H-Sorb 2600 high pressure adsorption analyzer designs with 2 analysis ports and 2 degassing ports, can work simultaneously without interruption of each function. Its testing pressure can up to 200Bar and temperature up to 600 Celsius. Fully automatic operation with helps of many imported parts make it to be a popular and advanced instrument in gas adsorption field, especially under high pressure condition. Below is a picture from KIER lab after it well installed and calibrated.